Frequently Asked Questions
It is vital to log your apprenticeship work hours on a monthly basis to assure your progress is recorded for raises and apprenticeship requirements. To log your hours, click “Online Work Report” under the Current Apprentices tab, or use the MTP app.
As an apprentices, your classes are scheduled by your regional apprenticeship coordinator. To check your class schedule, visit “Member Log-In” under the Current Apprentice Tab.
Attending training courses is vital part of the apprenticeship process and a requirement to advance your income and eventually graduate to jouneyworker status. Training Center classes have a limited number of seats available, and missing a class impacts your progress and takes a seat away from another member. If you ever have to miss a training course, update your apprenticeship coordinator and the training center as soon as possible so they can fill your seat.
Due to no fault of your own, you may experience reduced hours due to winter or industry shifts. If you find yourself out of work, immediately contact your local union hall so you can be added to the out of work list. When work is available, the hall will call you.
The Ohio Laborers’ Benefits Office has all the resources, information, and login information you need to understand and utilize your benefits. For questions, you can reach out to them at
Attending Local Union meetings is a great way to stay informed on pertinent issues and connect with fellow union members. As an apprentice, union meetings are an excellent opportunity to make relationships with longstanding union members and get plugged into community events and local leadership. In addition, it is important to consider that a union is only as strong as the quality and dedication of its membership. A connected, motivated, and dependable membership makes us a stronger organization.