Sponsorship Portal

Apprenticeship Applicants

If you find a candidate you are interested in, you must first call the Laborers’ Local Business Manager within the jurisdiction of the jobsite and the vicinity of the candidates home address before apprenticeship registration can take place. This call will signal the Business Manager and Apprenticeship Coordinator to provide an Apprenticeship Employment Agreement along with other onboarding material. This agreement will require signatures of the employer (you), the Local, and the Apprenticeship Office to officially put the candidate under your employment as a registered apprentice. Please click here to access the agreement.

Local Name Phone Email
83-Portsmouth Business Manager: Jimmy Mcgraw Phone: (740) 354-3224 laborers4local83@gmail.com
125-Youngstown Business Manager: John Lucente Phone: (330) 783-3124 Luch511@aol.com
134-Newcomerstown Business Manager/Secretary Treasurer: Bill Leek Phone: (740) 498-6414 laborers134@yahoo.com
245-Ashtabula Business Manager/Secretary Treasurer: Nicole D. Deligianis Phone: (440) 992-2013 local245laborers@hotmail.com
265-Cincinnati Business Manager: Justin Phillips Phone: (513) 221-5260 jhphillips265@hotmail.com
310-Cleveland Business Manager: Terry Joyce Phone: (216) 881-5901 local310@local310.com
329-Lima Business Manager: Chris Rader Phone: (419) 999-2727 laborers329@gmail.com
423-Columbus Business Manager: Bob McCaskill Phone: (614) 252-1093 laborerslocal423@gmail.com
480-Sandusky Business Manager: Brian Francis Phone: (419) 626-0793 laborers480@yahoo.com
500-Toledo Business Manager/Secretary Treasurer: David Fleetwood Phone: (419) 243-3279 dfleetwood@local500.com
530-Zanesville Business Manager/Secretary Treasurer: Phil Harris Phone: (740) 453-1214 laborers530@yahoo.com
534-Middletown Business Manager: Jeff Root Phone: (513) 423-5533 jeffroot534@gmail.com
574-Marion Business Manager/Secretary Treasurer: Gary Bretz Phone: (740) 382-4136 gbretz574@yahoo.com
639-Marietta Business Manager/Secretary Treasurer: Kenny Allen Phone: (740) 373-5859 keallen64@gmail.com
758-Lorain Business Manager/Secretary Treasurer: Chuck Brooky Phone: 440-277-4210 cbrooky@liunalocal758.com
809-Steubenville Business Manager: Clint Powell Phone: (740) 282-0771 laborers.809@sbcglobal.net
860-Cleveland Business Manager/Secretary Treasurer: Anthony Liberatore, Jr. Phone: (216) 432-1022 bmof860@aol.com
894-Akron Business Manager: Vern Floyd Phone: (330) 535-6145 vern@local894.com
935-Warren Business Manager: Jim Ledenko Phone: (330) 395-5105 liuna935@yahoo.com
1015-Canton Business Manager: Jake Croston, Jr. Phone: (330) 453-8915 jcroston@att.net
1216-Mansfield Business Manager/Secretary Treasurer: Jeff Sellers Phone: (419) 524-5202 laborers1216@aol.com
1410-Dayton Business Manager: N/A Phone: (937) 254-6172 info@local1410.com

The purpose of this process is to build upon workforce development efforts more efficiently and transparently. This feature is to benefit signatory contractors to Ohio Laborers’ District Council and Laborers’ Local Building & Utility agreements. We strive to instill in all of our Apprentices – a strong work ethic, character, and morals. To that end, please check with the Local Union prior to your candidate search – as they may already have Apprentices available for work.


To review the applications, you need to first register with the Apprenticeship office. Entering your name, company, and contact information will trigger a release of your password via email to review applicants by clicking the “View Applicants” button below. As you will see, many applicants have selected skills that they have acquired before applying. Some, however, do not have any acquired construction skills  yet due to age or previous job experience but are eager to learn through registered apprenticeship. Other features of the results view are:

•      Searchable fields – such as skills or location of applicants

•      Individual application views by clicking on the magnifying glass

•      Time-relevant applicants. (Only applicants within the 90 days will be viewable.)

All applicants viewed have met the required qualifications: 

•      18 years of age 

•      High School diploma or GED – Are uploaded and viewable  

•      Valid Driver’s License – Uploaded and viewable


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